Quality.TV test materials

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Quality.TV – for precise and efficient picture analysis and optimization! Quality.TV is a project by FF Pictures. We’re providing professional test- and demo materials. Our tools are designed based on the needs of some of the leading review magazines as well as R&D departments of consumer electronic manufacturers around the world.

Purchase advanced resolution and panel test

The tech paper explains our suggestions for spatial resolution measurements in detail and provides examples.

Tech Paper (PDF)
Quality TV spatial resolution measurement

advanced UHD resolution and panel test

This set of test patterns and descriptions is suitable for measurements of spatial resolution as well as performing subjective tests. It helps to identify any lack of resolution that may be caused by factors such as the video processing, optical limitations or special subpixel structures.

These patterns are aimed at the needs of test laboratories and reviewers. The still patterns and video files in this package will allow to analyze many aspects of resolution including chroma resolution at 4:4:4 chroma subsampling.

Quality TV Spatial UHD resolution patch.
Quality TV Spatial UHD resolution patch.